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Young girl smiling
a woman on a computer
January 12, 2022

Using Technology to Support Early Science Teaching and Learning

The proper digital apps and tools can positively impact young children’s learning across home and early learning settings.

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Authored by: 
Ximena Dominguez, Regan Vidiksis, Jillian Orr, Danae Kamdar, Ashley Lewis Presser
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parents and teachers discussing their child
Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2022

Five Rs for Promoting Positive Family Engagement

I offer five Rs—respect, responsiveness and reassurance, relationship, reciprocity, and reflection—to help you build trust and promote positive family engagement in your preschool classroom.

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Authored by: 
Bweikia Foster Steen
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A teacher with a group of children holding tablets.
Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2022

5X. Optimizing the Use of Media and Technology with Young Children

Educators can reflect on and plan anew how the appropriate use of digital technologies and media can promote young children’s learning and healthy development, particularly when embedded in strong relationships and joyful, engaging experiences.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Michael Levine
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someone taking a picture of a drawing
Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2022

Technology Guidelines Support Preschool Creativity

Here are additional ways you can support and inspire children’s creativity with technology.

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Authored by: 
Victoria B. Fantozzi
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children drawing
Teaching Young Children
January 3, 2022

Harnessing Potential: Integrating Technology and Media in Preschool

However, decades of research and professional practice point to the potential of technology and media, especially when the content is of high quality and created for educational purposes with young children.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rachel Konerman, Jennifer Horwitz, Sarah Clancy, Carmen Rietta
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the cover of the publication Teaching young children, Volume 15, Number 2
Teaching Young Children
Vol. 15, No. 2
January 3, 2022

Winter 2022

What Is Developmentally Appropriate Technology for Preschool?
Teaching Young Children is NAEYC's magazine for anyone who works with preschoolers. Colorful, informative, and easy-to-read, TYC is packed full of teaching ideas, strategies, and tips.
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a parent with a child on  a tablet
December 13, 2021

Four Ways to Use Tablets to Foster Early Math Learning

Here, we describe four ways to use tablets in developmentally appropriate ways to foster preschoolers’ early math learning.

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Authored by: 
Jessica Mercer Young, Ashley Lewis Presser
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a child reading a book

What Happens If I Touch this Button? Giving the Silenced a Voice

When I explored the options Zoom provided during virtual meetings, I discovered that its Spotlight feature and the mute button were two ways to work toward learning goals and an approach focused on the whole child.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Garnett Booker
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A child writes a poem.

Learning Joy and Resilience Through Kindergartners

We may not be able to control the spread of the virus, the changing mandates, or the inequities and social justice issues intensified by the pandemic, but we can control how much our children feel loved by us.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Larissa Hsia-Wong
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