Advancing Diversity in ECE: Your Perspective is Needed!

All children have the right to equitable learning opportunities that help them achieve their full potential as engaged learners and valued members of society. As a result, early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity. They can do this best when they, the early learning settings in which they work, and their wider communities embrace diversity and inclusivity as strengths, uphold fundamental principles of fairness and justice, and work to eliminate structural inequities that limit equitable learning opportunities.
This paragraph begins the revised draft of NAEYC’s position statement on advancing equity in early childhood education. This blog seeks your help in order to make the final position statement the best that it can be.
Over 300 comments--most overwhelmingly positive--were received on the inital draft last year. Based on this feedback, the statement was revised with the input of a workgroup appointed by the NAEYC Governing Board under the leadership of the Board's Early Learning Systems Committee. The revisions include a reorganized format that begins with the statement of the position, followed by the evidence base. The initial set of recommendations regarding self-awareness and reflection now apply not only to early childhood educators, but also to all those involved in the provision of early childhood services. Other recommendations have been expanded in some areas as have the guiding principles.
NAEYC policy requires all position statements to have multiple rounds of member comment and feedback as they are developed or revised, and we are eager for your engagement. The workgroup and committee will consider all submitted feedback prior to making a recommendation to the Board for final approval.
We encourage you to watch this video, read the draft position statement, in English or Spanish (coming soon), and submit your feedback here. We understand that surveys provide only one possible way to respond. You may also share your reflections in the comments section below or by emailing [email protected].
Thank you for your review and comments. This round of feedback will be open until April 5, 2019.
For more information, please visit
Elisa Huss-Hage, MEd, is director of early childhood education at HOPE Toledo, a nonprofit dedicated to ensuring accessible, affordable, high-quality education for 4-year-olds in Toledo, Ohio. Previously, Huss-Hage was a faculty member for 25 years in the Department of Education and Human Services at Owens Community College in Ohio. She has served on NAEYC's Higher Education Commission, the NAEYC Governing Board, and as a NAEYC accreditation program peer reviewer. [email protected]