NAEYC offers a wide range of resources on developmentally appropriate practice. In addition to NAEYC’s classic DAP books, books and trainings that support an understanding of the revised position statement include: NAEYC’s recent content on understanding implicit bias, teaching in ways that support both equity and DAP and supporting children's social and emotional development. Look for additional new books and resources specifically highlighting the connections between DAP and Equity coming this coming year.
A comprehensive resource for birth through age 8
Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children From Birth Through Age 8 (4th ed.)
Since the first edition in 1987, NAEYC's book Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs has been an essential resource for the early child care field. Based on what the research says about development, learning, and effective practices, as well as what experience tells us about teaching intentionally, DAP articulates the principles that should guide our decision making. Chapters describe children from birth through age 8 in detail, with extensive examples of appropriate practice for infant/toddler, preschool, kindergarten, and primary levels.
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Resources for teachers creating equitable learning opportunities for young children with DAP guidelines.
Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Second Edition
By Louise Derman-Sparks & Julie Olsen Edwards with Catherine M. Goins
This classic resource, now expanded and updated, is your guide to building a strong anti-bias program, including learning to know yourself.
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Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
By Alissa Mwenelupembe, Susan Friedman
Concrete strategies and tips for implementing recommendations from NAEYC’s position statement “Advancing Equity in Early Childhood Education”.
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The Essentials: Supporting Young Children with Disabilities in the Classroom
By Pamela Brillante
This straightforward introduction to the core concepts of teaching and supporting children with disabilities alongside their peers will help teachers ensure that all children meet their potential.
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Social and Emotional Learning and Family Engagement
The following titles offer information for teachers and families on classroom practice and strategies for fostering social learning.
Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, Second Edition
By Amy Laura Dombro, Charlotte Stetson, and Judy Jablon
This new edition outlines what Powerful Interactions are, how to make them happen, and why they are so important for increasing children’s learning and teachers’ effectiveness.
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Day to Day the Relationship Way: Creating Responsive Programs for Infants and Toddlers
By Alice Sterling Honig, Donna S. Wittmer
Discover how to provide engaging learning experiences within the context of satisfying interactions with infants and toddlers.
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Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower
By Elizabeth C. Winter, Laura J. Colker, and Sarah Erdman
Accurate information and practical guidance for helping children and families who have experienced trauma.
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Playful Learning
Teachers can find resources below on the latest research about learning and play.
Where’s the Math? Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children’s Thinking
By Laura Grandau, Mary Hynes-Berry
Make math learning both meaningful and fun by building on children’s natural curiosity to help them grow into confident problem solvers and investigators of math concepts
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Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
By Holly Bohart, Marie L. Masterson
Discover how to provide guided play experiences along with opportunities for unstructured play to support children’s learning.
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This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
Aarti Subramaniam, Janet Thompson, Julia Luckenbill
Slow down, tune in, and discover the very purposeful play of infants and toddlers.
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Age-specific DAP Resources
Basics of DAP Series
An excellent, easy-to-read introduction to the core concepts of DAP. These books introduce the basic principles of DAP in a way that is meaningful to everyday practice. This series is perfect for newcomers to the field or experienced practitioners interested in enhancing their skills.
Basics of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Children 3 to 6
By Carol Copple and Sue Bredekamp
Basics of Developmentally Appropriate Practice: An Introduction for Teachers of Kindergartners
By Eva C. Phillips and Amy Scrinzi
DAP Focus Series
Complete, age-specific DAP resources for teachers filled with information, practical ideas, and inspiration! These books are a must-have for early learning educators.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Infants and Toddlers
By Carol Copple, Sue Bredekamp, Derry Koralek, and Kathy Charner, eds.
Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Equitable and Joyful Learning in Preschool
By Iliana Alanís, Toni Sturdivant, and Susan Friedman, eds.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Kindergartners
By Carol Copple, Sue Bredekamp, Derry Koralek, and Kathy Charner, eds.
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Focus on Children in First, Second, and Third Grades
By Carol Copple, Sue Bredekamp, Derry Koralek, and Kathy Charner, eds.
NAEYC's DAP Position Statement
NAEYC's Position Statement on Developmentally Appropriate Practice is an essential resources for the early child care field.