The extent to which educators can fully implement developmentally appropriate practice depends, as efforts to advance equity also do, on decisions at many levels, including program administration, professional development, policy, and more.
NAEYC’s guidelines and recommendations for developmentally appropriate practice are based on the following nine principles and their implications for early childhood education professional practice.
While many of the recommendations have changed considerably over the years, the primary focus of DAP remains the same: NAEYC emphasizes the importance of the relationships between children and well-prepared early childhood educators.
NAEYC appreciates the work of the Developmentally Appropriate Practice/Diversity and Equity Workgroup and the Early Learning Systems Committee, who participated in the development of this statement. See a full list here.
NAEYC has regularly updated and reaffirmed its position statement on developmentally appropriate practice, and the term continues to be widely used within and beyond the early childhood field.
In 2017, after a review of NAEYC’s current position statements, the Governing Board charged the Early Learning Systems Committee with revising both the DAP and Teacher Preparation position statements. This pointed to the need for Advancing Equity.
This statement breaks new ground for the field and for NAEYC, affirming that all children have the right to equitable learning opportunities and that all early childhood educators have a professional obligation to advance equity.
This position statement is one of five foundational documents NAEYC has developed in collaboration with the early childhood profession. With its specific focus on advancing equity in early childhood education.
Reflecting NAEYC’s commitment to periodically revising and updating its core position statements, we’ve worked hard to reflect the knowledge from research and practice that has emerged over the last decade since DAP was last revised.
Adaptado de Learning to Read and Write: Developmentally Appropriate Practices for Young Children, una declaración de posición en conjunto de la Asociación Nacional de Educación Infantil y la International Reading Association
Suplemento a la declaración de posición en conjunto sobre los curículos para niños pequeños, las evaluaciones preescolares y las evaluaciones de programas.
La declaración de posición de NAEYC sobre prácticas apropiadas para el desarrollo refleja tanto la continuidad como el cambio en el campo de la primera infancia.
NAEYC is releasing the first public draft of its position statement on “Professional Standards and Competencies for Early Childhood Educators”. We need your feedback by Friday, November 16, 2018
Necesitamos sus comentarios en respuesta al nuevo borrador de la declaración de posición: Promover la Equidad y la Diversidad en la Educación de la Primera Infancia antes del 30 de junio.