The easiest way to help support effective behavior management is through authentic relationships with your students. Here are some ideas you can use to build real relationships with children and families in your program.
Read this discussion thread on Hello, which addresses a parent's concerns about her four-year-old daughter spending too much time with her teachers, including sitting in their laps.
One way to encourage positive connections within families is by teaching adult family members to use the Powerful Interactions™ framework with their children.
In a recent study, my research colleagues and I found multiple benefits for children, families, and caregiving staff when COC is successfully implemented.
While participating in the diaper-changing routine, Lilly is learning language and self-help skills, and developing autonomy, self-regulation, and other capabilities.
Respect—treating with consideration—was the overarching feature behind the values and actions of teachers I observed for more than six months in one of the four Childspace infant and toddler centers that I co-own with my husband (Christie 2011).
كان الاحترام -التعامل باهتمام- هو السمة الأساسية التي بُنيت عليها قيم وأفعال من لاحظتهم من المعلمين على مدى أكثر من ستة أشهر في أحد مراكز الأطفال والرضع الأربعة الخاصة بمؤسسة تشايلد سبيس والتي أمتلكها أنا وزوجي
Tips from a licensed foster parent and early childhood educator on the best ways to support children in the foster care system, including resources that will help provide a safe and nurturing environment that assists individual needs.
This is the first article in a series about asking questions that foster rich conversations. Visiting a variety of preschool settings, we’ll consider the different types of questions teachers ask and listen to children’s responses.
Two kindergarten teachers provided a five-year-old child, who was fascinated with the Titanic, materials to explore and express his interests, which also helped him develop his small motor and social skills
In this current conversation about media, technology and children’s learning, the focus has been on the importance of human interaction in relation to children’s media and technology use.