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Young girl smiling
Two children creating a project with cardboard box
June 17, 2016

Making, Tinkering, and The Toy Store Project

What happens when you give a young child a cardboard box? They turn it into a car, a robot, a doghouse, or a spaceship. Children are natural makers

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Authored by: 
Cate Heroman, Kerry Sheldon, Sarah West
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A classroom building scribbling machines
February 29, 2016

Scribbling Machines

Paige Zittrauer challenged her kindergarten students and their high school art student project partners: Make a contraption that moves on its own across a piece of paper and leaves a mark in its path

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Authored by: 
Cate Heroman, Paige Zittrauer
Members Only
A classroom building scribbling machines
February 29, 2016

Máquinas de hacer garabatos

Paige Zittrauer challenged her kindergarten students and their high school art student project partners: Make a contraption that moves on its own across a piece of paper and leaves a mark in its path

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Authored by: 
Cate Heroman, Paige Zittrauer
Members Only