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Young girl smiling
Two teachers and a group of young children standing and smiling in the classroom.

Recommendations for Everyone

The following general recommendations apply to everyone involved in any aspect of early childhood education.
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Teacher and young girl sitting at a desk in a classroom.

Advancing Equity: Position

When early childhood educators use inclusive teaching approaches, they demonstrate that they respect diversity and value all children’s strengths.
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Teacher in a classroom with a group of early primary students

Advancing Equity: Purpose

This position statement is one of five foundational documents NAEYC has developed in collaboration with the early childhood profession.
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Parents working with their son.

Building a Partnership with Your Child’s Teacher

Research shows that children thrive when their families are involved in their care and education. Here are some ways you can collaborate with your child’s teacher to create and maintain a great relationship.
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A mother interacting with her son.

Ideas to Spark Rich Conversations with Your Children!

As the parent of a young child, you know that children are curious and eager to learn. To help you make the most of those moments—and to inspire even more of them—we offer several easy strategies for sparking rich conversations.
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Professionals interacting in the lobby.
Young Children
September 1, 2019

NAEYC Governing Board and Leadership

NAEYC Governing Board, Young Children Consulting Editors, and Voices of Practitioners Editorial Advisory Board (September 2019)
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Tessie Ragan
Young Children
September 1, 2019

NAEYC Member Spotlight: Tessie Ragan

Tessie Ragan comes from a long line of educators. Her mother was a military family child care provider, and her grandmother taught public elementary school in Queens, New York.
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young preschool boy sitting on a couch reading

Using and Creating Informational Texts at Home

For young children, listening to, reading, writing, and illustrating informational texts is a great way to build knowledge and vocabulary in science, social studies, and the arts—and a great foundation for success in school and life.
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young preschool boy sitting on a couch reading

Cómo usar y crear textos informativos en casa

For young children, listening to, reading, writing, and illustrating informational texts is a great way to build knowledge and vocabulary in science, social studies, and the arts—and a great foundation for success in school and life.
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Two young girls at the lake scooping water into buckets
August 6, 2019

Gone Fishing

I think about being a parent and a teacher and observing children. Even experts can forget that there is a time to model and guide, and also a time to give space for the kind of learning that happens with uninterrupted play and exploration.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Julia Luckenbill
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Children Reading Together

Children's Books about Families

A family unit supports children in countless ways, including easing their transitions, helping them learn about the other boys and girls in the class, and strengthening their self-awareness.
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Three children with recycling bin
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2019

Mensaje en la mochila: Ayude a su hijo a aprender a ser responsable

Para ser responsables, los niños deben darse cuenta de que es necesario hacer, pensar en opciones útiles y sentirse orgullosos de sus contribuciones. Aquí, le mostramos cómo fomentar la responsabilidad.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Marie L. Masterson
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