All Message in a Backpack Content

A young girl with a backpack walks through a door with her parent.  Both are seen from behind.
Children playing with toys.
Teaching Young Children
January 4, 2021

Message in a Backpack ™ Developing Your Preschooler’s Spatial Thinking

Research suggests that preschoolers’ early mathematics learning—including spatial-thinking skills—is related to later success in both reading and math. Here are some tips for supporting your preschooler’s spatial thinking!

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Authored by: 
Ashley Lewis Presser, Jillian Orr, Mollie Levin
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A child pouring ingredients into a bowl.
Teaching Young Children
January 4, 2021

Message in a Backpack ™ Choosing the Best STEM Activities for Your Child

Young children love to explore the world around them—and STEM activities are a great way to help them do it. With so many STEM ideas to choose from, how do you find what is best for your child?

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Authored by: 
Rosemary Geiken, Sandy Chilton
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mother and two young girls doing yoga in the living room
Teaching Young Children
September 16, 2020

Message in a Backpack™ Helping Your Child through Change

We gathered insights from individuals with various perspectives and roles in early childhood. Here, you will read excerpts of what some of them would share with families about supporting children during this period of rapid change.
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Teacher with preschool children
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

پیام در کوله پشتی ™ بازی با طبیعت برای کودکان حساس Message in a Backpack ™ Nature Play with Sensitive Children

از این ایده ها برای تبلور تجربیات بازی با طبیعت در محیط های داخلی و بیرونی استفاده کنید تا شما و کودک تان بتوانید با هم لذت ببرید

Authored by

Authored by: 
Becky L. DelVecchio, Susan Ferguson
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Teacher with preschool children
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2020

Message in a Backpack ™ Nature Play with Sensitive Children

What happens when your child is sensitive to touching natural objects? Use these ideas to spark indoor and outdoor nature play.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Becky L. DelVecchio, Susan Ferguson
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A mother interacting with her child while doing laundry
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2019

书包金点子™ 在一起洗衣服时提高孩子语言能力的有趣方法 Message in a Backpack™ Fun Ways to Build Your Child’s Literacy Skills While Doing Laundry Together


Authored by

Authored by: 
Donna C. Celano, Susan B. Neuman
Members Only
Mother talking with her child while doing laundry
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2019

Message in a Backpack™ Fun Ways to Build Your Child’s Literacy Skills While Doing Laundry Together پیام در کوله پشتی ™ راههای سرگرم کننده برای سوادآموزی و ادبیات در کودک هنگام شستشوی لباس

چه در خانه لباس می شویید چه در مغازه خشکشویی ، چیزهای زیادی وجود دارد که می توانید درباره آنها با کودک خود صحبت کنید.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Donna C. Celano, Susan B. Neuman
Members Only
Three children with recycling bin
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2019

Mensaje en la mochila: Ayude a su hijo a aprender a ser responsable

Para ser responsables, los niños deben darse cuenta de que es necesario hacer, pensar en opciones útiles y sentirse orgullosos de sus contribuciones. Aquí, le mostramos cómo fomentar la responsabilidad.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Marie L. Masterson
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Father and daughter doing math activities
Teaching Young Children
December 1, 2018

Mensaje en la mochila: Maneras divertidas y fáciles de jugar con la matemática en casa

Los niños tienden a imitar las actitudes de los padres sobre la matemática. Cuando juegue a estos juegos, ¡diviértase! Si se divierte, los niños también se divertirán. Trabajar en un desafío es también lo que hace que se disfruten los juegos.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Jessica Mercer Young, Kristen E. Reed
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Colorful swings
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2018

Mensaje en la mochila: Lo que los padres deben saber sobre el juego

El juego apoya el aprendizaje de los niños de muchas maneras. Asegúrese de que su hijo tenga tiempo para jugar y de esta forma promueve el desarrollo cognitivo, del lenguaje, de la alfabetización, físico, social y emocional.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Laurel Bongiorno
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