All Diversity Content

Young girl smiling
Group of young professionals

Recommendations for Public Policymakers

Work to change any policy that either directly or through unintended negative consequences undermines children’s physical and emotional well-being or weakens the bonds between children and their families.
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Two teachers and a group of young children standing and smiling in the classroom.

Recommendations for Everyone

The following general recommendations apply to everyone involved in any aspect of early childhood education.
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Teacher and young girl sitting at a desk in a classroom.

Advancing Equity: Position

When early childhood educators use inclusive teaching approaches, they demonstrate that they respect diversity and value all children’s strengths.
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Teacher in a classroom with a group of early primary students

Advancing Equity: Purpose

This position statement is one of five foundational documents NAEYC has developed in collaboration with the early childhood profession.
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Adult and child hands together
June 26, 2019

NAEYC's Statement on #FamiliesBelongTogether

On June 7, we joined 540 national and state organizations, including many NAEYC affiliates, in writing a letter to the Department of Homeland Security clearly stating our opposition to the zero-tolerance practice of separating children from their parents
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Two children playing outdoors
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2019

8x. Developing Empathy to Build Warm, Inclusive Classrooms

The following tips can help you consider your assumptions, expectations, and biases so that you can better develop your own empathy and the children’s as well.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Susan Friedman
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Cover of Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
January 1, 2019

Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity

Informed and influenced by NAEYC’s forthcoming position statement on equity and diversity, this collection of articles contextualizes how educators of children from birth through third grade can advance equity and embrace diversity.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Cristina Gillanders, Rossella Procopio
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