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Young Children journals
A toddler stacks colorful plastic rings
Young Children
November 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling: Why Teaching Infants and Toddlers is Important لماذا تدريس الرضع والفطم مهم؟

فيتعلم الأطفال الصغار من بيئتهم والأشخاص الذين فيها. لذلك فإن ه من الضروري أن تتأكد المعلمات أن المعارف والمهارات التي يدرسونها مناسبة نمائيًا لعمر الأطفال ومجموعاتهم.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Allyson Dean, Linda Groves Gillespie
Members Only
Two young children explore and play with musical instruments
Young Children
July 1, 2015

Rocking and Rolling—It Takes Two: The Role of Co-Regulation in Building Self-Regulation Skillsالتناغم والتآزر - يد واحدة لا تص فِّق: دور التنظيم المشترك في بناء مهارات التنظيم الذاتي عند الطفل

عندما يعاني الأطفال من التنظيم الذاتي ، يصعب عليهم الجلوس والتركيز والمشاركة في أنشطة التعلم.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Linda Groves Gillespie
Members Only
A teacher showing a picture book to children.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

The Reading Chair: December 2020

New children’s books too good to miss!

Authored by

Authored by: 
Isabel Baker, Miriam Baker Schiffer
Members Only
A young professional in a classroom.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

Our Proud Heritage. Can We Change Early Care and Education?

Early care and education professionals, advocates, and supporters have worked to solve real and perceived problems within the early childhood education workforce, but without complete success. One ongoing issue is how we—and others—define who we are.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Edna Runnels Ranck
Members Only
A child writing with a teacher.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

Scaffolding Background Knowledge and Emergent Writing Through Conversations

Through the following examples, we aim to show how teachers can support young children’s growth in ways that are important to emergent writing development, with a focus on content knowledge, genre knowledge, and visual literacy.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Carol A. Donovan, Diane C. Sekeres, Cailin Jane Kerch
Members Only
Two toads in a net with flowers.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

The Toads: Refocusing the Lens (Voices)

In this article, I describe the moment where I learned to hear and respect the voices of children and to hear and respect my own voice as well.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Amanda Jo Messer
Members Only
Ron Grady standing next to a poster board he presented at a conference.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

NAEYC Member Spotlight: Ron Grady

This month's NAEYC Member Spotlight focuses on Ron Grady, an educator and the founder of Childology, in New Orleans, Louisiana.
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three children sitting and smiling
Young Children
November 18, 2020

NAEYC Governing Board and Leadership

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.
Members Only
 Una niña haciendo arte frente a una computadora.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

Haciendo Conexiones: Todos ustedes son valientes y esenciales

Mucha gente no piensa preste la debida atención a ninguno de sus muchos prioridades y llevar todo el peso de estas demandas. Les decimos a todos ustedes: son valientes. Son esencial. Y ellos no están solos.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
Members Only
A girl making art in front of a computer.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

Making Connections: You Are Courageous and Essential

Many are feeling like they are not giving their full attention to any of their many priorities, and they are carrying the weight of this entire burden on their shoulders. To all of you. You are brave. You are essential. And you are not alone.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
Members Only
A teacher showing a picture book to children.
Young Children
November 18, 2020

From Our President. Relationships Matter: Embracing Children of Promise

During the early childhood years, children start to develop their self-identity, a sense of who they are based on their roles and relationships in their family, early care settings or school and their community.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Ann McClain Terrell
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