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Boy and girl playing with materials
Father and song writing at the kitchen table

El comienzo del kindergarten

A continuación incluimos algunas sugerencias que les ayudarán a guiar a sus hijos durante la transición de preescolares a kindergarten.
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young girl rolling playdough

El poder de la plastilina

Playdough encourages children’s language and literacy, science, and math skills—all at the same time!
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Teacher guiding student with STEM game
March 31, 2017

Hacer que STEM sea social para motivar a los niños de preescolar.

One way to ensure that children get the most out of STEM opportunities is to make each activity as engaging as possible. Our research has looked for ways to help increase children’s motivation for STEM tasks

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Authored by: 
Dr. Allison Master
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Girl looking at her shadow
January 18, 2017

¿Qué hay en una sombra?

What is a Shadow? Denise Nelson and her class of preschoolers in Worcester, MA tried to answer that question over the course of a three-week exploration—both indoors and out

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Authored by: 
Denise Nelson
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Mother and sons cooking a dish
Teaching Young Children
August 1, 2017

Mensaje en la mochila™: El aprendizaje en actividades cotidianas

Este mensaje es para recortarse, fotocopiarse y enviarse a casa con los niños como recurso para los padres. Está disponible también por Internet en

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Row of children sitting outside near a garden
Teaching Young Children
April 1, 2017

Aprendizaje matemático —y un toque de ciencia— en la naturaleza

The great outdoors is filled with rich opportunities for math learning—with a connection to science—that can interest and engage children in real-life problem solving.

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Authored by: 
Deanna Pecaski McLennan
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Child examines rotting vegetables in windowsill
Teaching Young Children
October 1, 2016

La descompuesta verdad: ¡Descubrir la descomposición!

On a summer day, three preschool teachers and an early education consultant met to draft a unit on decay. They used this planning session to design a curriculum specific to their own group of children and families on pumpkin decay.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Bonnie Blagojevic, Victoria Grotton, Suzen Polk-Hoffses, Karen Thomes
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