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Young girl smiling
Rhian Evans Allvin
Young Children
March 1, 2020

Formar conexiones: El preescolar en línea no existe

NAEYC promotes high-quality early learning for all children, birth through age 8, by connecting practice, policy, and research. We advance a diverse early childhood profession and support all who care for, educate, and work on behalf of young children.

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Authored by: 
Rhian Evans Allvin
Members Only
Amy O'Leary
Young Children
March 1, 2020

De nuestra presidenta: ¿Adónde te llevará tu pasión por la educación infantil?

Mientras se acerca el final de mi término como presidenta del Comité Gobernante de NAEYC —un puesto que ni podía imaginarme cuando comencé mi carrera como maestra preescolar— se me ocurren muchos pensamientos sobre cómo era yo hace años y lo que podría ha

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Authored by: 
Amy O'Leary
Members Only
Amy O'Leary
Young Children
March 1, 2020

From Our President: Where Will Your Passion for Early Education Take You?

As I near the end of my time as NAEYC Governing Board president—a job I could not have imagined doing when I was starting out as a preschool teacher—I can’t help thinking about my own younger self and what she might need to hear.

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Authored by: 
Amy O'Leary
Members Only
Parent walking with children in woods
Young Children
March 1, 2020

Walking into the Woods: Understanding German Waldkindergärtens

Forest schools are based on the belief that children benefit from being in nature, where they play and engage in open-ended, child-centered social and physical activity.

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Authored by: 
Cecilia Maron-Puntarelli
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an outdoor swingset

Michelle Kang

Michelle Kang is the Chief Executive Officer at NAEYC.
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Cover of the March 2020 issue of Young Children, featuring a preschool girl smiling outside
Young Children
Vol. 75, No. 1
March 1, 2020

March 2020

Enriching Education Around the World
YC March 2020 Issue
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serious fun arabic e-book cover

(E-Book) المرح الجاد: كيف يزيد اللعب الموجه فرص التعلم لدى الأطفال

الفضول الفطري والتخيل الديناميكي لدى الأطفال يقودهم إلى فرص تعلم مثيرة ومفيدة. اكتشف كيفية تقديم تجارب اللعب الموجه إلى جانب اللعب التلقائي لدعم معرفة الأطفال في المجالات الرئيسية واكتساب متعة لا تنجلي لعملية التعلم. هذا الكتاب ممتاز وذو مزايا عضوية قياسي
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Toddlers in a classroom with their teachers, playing on the floor.
February 5, 2020

Our Child Care Crisis is the Result of Underinvestment, not Overregulation

New research finds no correlation between state regulations and child care supply. Rather than rolling back necessary regulations, increasing public investment in child care is the key to building quality child care supply and improving affordability.

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Authored by: 
NAEYC, Center for American Progress
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Preschool aged girl holding an american flag
January 31, 2020

Making Sure Every Young Child Counts

Early childhood educators have an important role to play in the 2020 Census

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Authored by: 
Deborah Lee Stein
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Typing on laptop
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2020

Ask Hello. How to Handle Hurtful Words

In a recent Hello discussion, a member asked for advice on how to react when children use words that are hurtful or unsuitable for early learning spaces.
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Young child doing a science experiment at table
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2020

Breaking Down STEAM for Young Children

In early childhood, we encourage STEAM teaching to integrate these subject areas within a meaningful context.

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Authored by: 
Sandra M. Linder, Angela Eckhoff
Members Only
Young child doing a science experiment at table
Teaching Young Children
February 1, 2020

Explicando STEAM a los niños en edad escolar

In early childhood, we encourage STEAM teaching to integrate these subject areas within a meaningful context.

Authored by

Authored by: 
Sandra M. Linder, Angela Eckhoff
Members Only