All Child Development Content

Young girl smiling
Young boy drawing on a canvas wearing a red hat

Help Your Child Build Fine Motor Skills

There are lots of activities that can increase muscle strength and coordination, preparing children for more advanced skills, from writing with a pencil, using a computer mouse, or playing a musical instrument.
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Children playing outside

Tips for Sun Safety

Most families with young children welcome outdoor fun and sunny days! But before your family takes off for the parks and playgrounds, here are some sun safety tips.
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Group of children in the classroom

Transitioning to Kindergarten

You do not need to drill your child with letters, numbers, and facts, before school starts. But there are some things you can do to prepare both you and your child for kindergarten. Here are some ideas.
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Young girl outside holding hands with parents

11 Ways to Help Children Say Goodbye

Young children need support as they say goodbye to parents and family and start their day at child care. Use these tips to help your child transition into the classroom.
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Children standing outdoors.

Healthy, Fit Families

Children need to move their bodies and eat healthy foods. Families can promote healthy habits by encouraging children to eat nutritious foods and get some exercise every day. Here are some suggestions.
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Young students against bullying in early childhood
October 27, 2014

Bullying in Early Childhood

October has been designated Bullying Prevention Awareness Month by the PACER Center (Parent Advocacy Coalition for Educational Rights) since 2006. The movement has grown to include federal efforts highlighted on

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Authored by: 
Kyle Snow
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Mother and daughter hugging

Help Your Child Become a Great Problem Solver

Families can help children develop problem-solving skills by taking advantage of opportunities to talk about solving problems. Here are some ways to start a conversation.
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father, mother, and daughter holding a pumpkin

What's Too Scary?

The most important thing a grownup can do is to know an individual child and watch for her reactions to potentially scary images and situations.
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Father and daughter playing with plastic toys

Big Jobs at Home

Your child might take 15 minutes to finish a job you can do in one minute. But in 15 minutes your child can learn a lot!
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family of 3 reading a book

Help Your Preschooler Gain Self-Control

When asked about school readiness skills, many teachers say children who succeed in kindergarten know when and how to control their impulses. Here are a few ways families can help children learn self-control.
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Toddler playing with a music toy.

Positive Guidance Through the Ages

Rather than expecting an immediate change in your child's behavior, think about behavior as a developmental process that takes time to master. Let’s consider how positive guidance might look as children grow and learn over time.
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Baby girl sleeping

Encouraging Healthy Sleep Habits

Sleep is critical to children’s everyday functioning. A good night’s sleep helps prepare children to attend to new experiences, positively engage with others, and build memory and attention skills.
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