Use NAEYC’s Research-Based Books to Support Your Teachers

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Are you looking for high-quality resources to support your teaching staff? Look no further! NAEYC publishes practical books for teachers on a range of topics in early childhood education. You can search NAEYC’s online store, or check out these recommendations for staff development.
Assessment of Child Progress
- Basics of DAP: An Introduction for Teachers of Children 3 to 6
- Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Equitable and Joyful Learning with Infants and Toddlers
- Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Equitable and Joyful Learning in Kindergarten
- Focus on Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Equitable and Joyful Learning in Preschool
- Learning Stories and Teacher Inquiry Groups: Reimagining Teaching and Assessment in Early Childhood Education
- Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment
- Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment, Volume 2
- Healthy Young Children, Sixth Edition
- Trauma and Young Children: Teaching Strategies to Support and Empower
- Day to Day the Relationship Way: Creating Responsive Programs for Infants and Toddlers
- Coaching with Powerful Interactions: A Guide for Partnering with Early Childhood Teachers, Second Edition
- Education for a Civil Society: Teaching Young Children to Gain Five Democratic Life Skills, Second Edition
- Families and Educators Together: Building Great Relationships that Support Young Children
- Hear Our Voices! Engaging in Partnerships that Honor Families
- Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, Second Edition
- Rituals and Traditions: Fostering a Sense of Community in Preschool
- Spotlight on Young Children: Social and Emotional Development, Revised Edition
- This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddler
- Big Questions for Young Minds: Extending Children's Thinking
- Embracing Math: Cultivating a Mindset for Exploring and Learning
- Expressing Creativity in Preschool
- Exploring Math and Science in Preschool
- From Children’s Interests to Children’s Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum
- Learning About Language and Literacy in Preschool
- Literacy Learning for Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers: Key Practices for Educators
- Making and Tinkering With STEM: Solving Design Challenges With Young Children
- Nurturing Creativity: An Essential Mindset for Young Children’s Learning
- Serious Fun: How Guided Play Extends Children's Learning
- So Much More than the ABCs: The Early Phases of Reading and Writing, Revised Edition
- Spotlight on Young Children: Equity and Diversity
- Transforming Teaching: Creating Lesson Plans for Child-Centered Learning in Preschool
- Where's the Math? Books, Games, and Routines to Spark Children’s Thinking
- The Young Child and Mathematics, Third Edition
- Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Second Edition
- Big Questions for Young Minds: Extending Children's Thinking
- Casebook: Developmentally Appropriate Practice in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8
- Each and Every Child: Teaching Preschool with an Equity Lens
- The Essentials: Supporting Young Children with Disabilities in the Classroom
- From Children’s Interests to Children’s Thinking: Using a Cycle of Inquiry to Plan Curriculum
- From Play to Practice: Connecting Teachers' Play to Children's Learning
- Media Literacy for Young Children: Teaching Beyond the Screen Time Debates
- The Intentional Teacher: Choosing the Best Strategies for Young Children’s Learning, Revised Edition
- Powerful Interactions: How to Connect with Children to Extend Their Learning, Second Edition
- Spotlight on Young Children: Challenging Behavior
- Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment
- Spotlight on Young Children: Observation and Assessment, Volume 2
- Transforming Teaching: Creating Lesson Plans for Child-Centered Learning in Preschool
Families and Community Relationships
- Anti-Bias Education for Young Children and Ourselves, Second Edition
- The Essentials: Supporting Dual Language Learners in Diverse Environments in Preschool and Kindergarten
- Families and Educators Together: Building Great Relationships that Support Young Children
- Hear Our Voices! Engaging in Partnerships that Honor Families
- Rituals and Traditions: Fostering a Sense of Community in Preschool
Physical Environment
Big Body Play: Why Boisterous, Vigorous, and Very Physical Play Is Essential to Children's Development and Learning
- Experiencing Nature With Young Children: Awakening Delight, Curiosity, and a Sense of Stewardship
- The Great Outdoors: Advocating for Natural Spaces for Young Children, Revised Edition
- This Is Play: Environments and Interactions that Engage Infants and Toddlers
Leadership and Management
- Addressing Challenging Behavior in Young Children: The Leader's Role
- Advancing Equity and Embracing Diversity in Early Childhood Education: Elevating Voices and Actions
- Coaching with Powerful Interactions: A Guide for Partnering with Early Childhood Teachers, Second Edition
- Ethics and the Early Childhood Educator: Using the NAEYC Code, Third Edition
- From Survive to Thrive: A Director's Guide for Leading an Early Childhood Program
- What You Need to Lead an Early Childhood Program: Emotional Intelligence